Custom Reporting Samples
Being able to customize your call center reports according to your business needs is vital. Not all businesses have the same setup, teams or objectives. Below are some samples of how Mr. VoIP’s report customization tool can do this for you.
Agents Overview
Name | Ext | Assigned Queue | Current Status | Current Status Duration | Outbound Calls | Avg. Outbound Time | ACD Calls | Avg Talk |
Total | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 53 | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 |
Agent 1 | 83321 | Q1 | 0:00 | 7 | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | |
Agent 2 | 83511 | Q3 & Q2 | Training | 0:00 | 3 | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 |
Agent 3 | 83421 | Q1 | On Call | 0:00 | 3 | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 |
Agent 4 | 83319 | Q1 | On Call | 0:00 | 4 | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 |
3CX Agent Reporting Fields
Below you can see the basic agent reporting fields required in historical and in real-time. The highlighted parameters are missing from the 3CX report. Without those fields, monitoring/measuring the agent’s Productivity, Occupancy, utilization is not feasible.
The alternative would be to track the information manually in an excel, which is time consuming, counterproductive and inaccurate.
Agent - Calculation / Definitions
Field Name | Display Format | Calculation / Definitions |
Agent Name | Text | Report Data Date |
Agent ID | Numeric | ID of the Agent based on System |
Ans. Calls | Numeric | Total Calls Answered |
Total Talk Time | [hh:mm:ss] | Total Talk Time |
Total ACW Time | [hh:mm:ss] | Total Wrap Time |
Ext In Calls | Numeric | Total calls answered with in call center Extensions |
Total Ext In Time | [hh:mm:ss] | Total Time Spend with in call center Extensions answered calls |
Ext Out Calls | Numeric | Total with in call center Extensions out Calls |
Total Ext Out Time | [hh:mm:ss] | Total Time Spend with in call center Extensions out calls |
OB Calls | Numeric | Total Number of Outbound Calls |
Total OB Time | [hh:mm:ss] | Total time of (OB Talk Time + OB Hold Time + OB ACW Time) |
Total Availbale Time | [hh:mm:ss] | Total time of an agent |
AUX Time | [hh:mm:ss] | Total time spent on AUX by each agent |
Break Down of each AUX Time | [hh:mm:ss] | Total time spent on each AUX code, by each agent and by day |
Staffed Time | [hh:mm:ss] | Log-in time spent on an ID, irrespective of multiple log-ins |
The below parameters are required in an individual call activity report. The highlighted parameters are missing from the 3CX reporting. With those missing fields, call analysis and evaluation are not feasible.
Call by Call Inbound -Calculation / Definitions
Field Name | Display Format | Calculation / Definitions |
Call ID | Numeric | Unique ID Tagged to each all |
Date | [DD/MM/YYYY] | Report Data date |
Start Time | [hh:mm:ss] | Start time of this call/even |
End Time | [hh:mm:ss] | End time of this call/even |
Calling Party | Numeric | CLI |
Disposition Time | [hh:mm:ss] | Event Time |
QUEUE | Alphabetic | The Queue name, which caller opted in IVR |
Transferred to Queue | Alphabetic | Whether the call was transferred from IVR to Agent (Y / N) |
Transferred to Agent | Alphabetic | Whether the call was transferred from Queue to Agent (Y / N) |
Call Status | Alphabetic | Whether the call was answered, abandoned or disconnected (Ans. / Abn. /Disc.) |
Agent ID | Numeric | An Specific ID of that agent who attended the call |
Agent Status | Alphabetic | what was the status of agent at this instance |
Talk Time | [hh:mm:ss] | Only Talk Time of that call(inbound or outbound) |
ACW Time | [hh:mm:ss] | Only Wrap Time associated or not associated to call |
Trans Out | Alphabetic | Whether the call was transferred (Y / N) |
Transfer Out Number | Numeric | If the call was transferred, what was the number dialled to transfer |
Release | Alphabetic | Whether the agent released the call(Y / N) |
The table below indicates the basic outbound reporting parameters. The highlighted parameters are missing form 3CX. Without those fields, monitoring/measuring the outbound activity is not feasible.
The alternative would be to track the information manually, which is time consuming and may lead to inaccuracy.
Calculation / Definitions
Measurement Type | Display Format | Description |
Outbound Calls | Numeric | Number of Outbound Calls |
Total OB Talk Time | [hh:mm:ss] | Total Outbound Talk time |
Total OB Wrap Time | [mm:ss] | Total Outbound Wrap time |
Total OB Hold Time | [mm:ss] | Total Outbound Hold time |
Average ACW Handle Time | [mm:ss] | ACW Time divided by ACW Calls |
Average Outbound Time | [mm:ss] | Outbound Time divided by Outbound Calls |
Ext In Calls | Numeric | Calls answered with in call center Extensions |
Avg Ext In Time | [mm:ss] | Average Time spend on answered calls with in call center Extensions |
Avg OB Time | [mm:ss] | (Wrap Time + Talk Time + Hold Time) divided by total of Outbound Calls |
Staffed Time | [h:mm:ss] | Log-in time of an ID, irrespective of multiple log-ins |
Ext Out Calls | Numeric | Total Calls dialled out from extensions(included all dialled numbers) |