Bitrix24 and 3CX PBX Integration
A seamless integration for Bitrix24 and 3CX
Convert Bitrix24 into
a communications tool
Manage calls and contacts from one centralized location with the Vtiger and 3CX PBX integration. Save mounts of time on tedious and manual admin tasks and as a result you will boost agent productivity, reduce wasted time and increase customer satisfaction rates.
Automate Call & Contact Management, Logging & Journals
Save time and boost productivity by automating tasks that defocus your agents from your customers. The Vtiger PBX integration automates call and contact management as well as call logging and journaling. Hence, allowing your agents to truly focus on your customer and ensure maximum customer satisfaction.
Easy, Effortless Integration
The Vtiger PBX integration offers your agents and system admins an easy-to-use solution that doesn’t require extensive training or steep learning curves. Your teams and agents will start reaping the benefits from day one and you will see your customer service levels hit an all-time high.